Welcome to Magical Residence !

where the magic and comforts come together

First of all

Welcome to Magical Residence

Discover our modern and luxurious vacation villa just 5 min. from Disney. Enjoy a comfortable and memorable stay with all the comforts you deserve.

Not to mention

Explore Our Luxurious Vacation Home

Our property offers the perfect blend of comfort and convenience. Whether you're planning a family getaway or a romantic retreat, Magical Residence is your home away from home.

brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime
brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime

And let's not forget

Unforgettable Memories Await

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Orlando with Magical Residence. From the thrilling rides of Disney to the magical experiences at Universal Studios, there's something for everyone. Explore the vibrant nightlife, indulge in world-class dining, and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Your dream vacation starts here.

brown and gray concrete castle under cloudy sky during daytime
brown and gray concrete castle under cloudy sky during daytime

About Magical Residence

At Magical Residence, we specialize in providing exceptional short term rental vacation homes in Orlando. Our property is conveniently located near Disney, Universal Studios, and many other attractions. We offer our guests a perfect base for their magical adventures combined with a personal touch. We want to make sure you we provide you with the confidence, the comforts and amenities you need for a memorable stay.